By the powers vested in me
Here it goes, then! Shall we? Today I am starting the Manifesting Chapter of my Blog, if blog have chapters…
And, this is how it's going to go: I've been seeing a lot of patterns lately, some that elate me, and some that aggravate me. But, I have found a power in both, and I want to share how that's been working out for me, and a few other ladies making changes in their lives.
There are many that people that implicate social, economic, and political teachings as having great effect on the lives we will lead; some go as far as to say they determine our future completely. A better point of view is that how you were raised, and have been raising yourself, will ultimately have an effect on the way you see and live your life. As it is, your eye can only see what your mind understands. But, the concept of manifestation implies that you can see whatever you want to see, and attract whatever you want to have. And, that's a great notion! I'm offering that if you don't like what you're seeing, that you do have the option to shed some of the teachings that have been clogging space in your active mind; you might see something new, maybe exciting.
So, how does this shift from frustration to power occur? Well, in my experience, when I release my ego, my ties to a frustration, I have been able to see things more clearly, and how I might be able to effect those things in a more loving way becomes available. It's a tool that I have used in relationships, friendships, business, and even my worldview. I am a human, and my first reaction- maybe the one that was brewed from my parents' relationship, or my ancestors fates'- is not the one that I want shaping my next action. The women in my family did not come from a place of power, but I aim to see things differently. I aim to effect things differently, and as a result live my life from a place of power. So, searching the ethos for how I want to see them is an art, my friends, an art we should all aspire to learn.
Today's chapter is about women. Women's Rights have been in the shitter, finding light in a sewer, for all too long. And, here I sit, at the end of 2018, hoping that, not only I'll be able to find decent gynecological care for myself as an American freelance artist with uterine fibroids, but that American children do not have to miss days of education because of their lack of access to such "luxuries", as our tax laws state, as sanitary napkins. I'd like to see all children with access to education, while on their cycles. But, I'm only warming up. We know the problems, and I'm not here to rant! So, what are we manifesting ladies?!
I know I want to see more anonymity in the physical appearances, and dreams of little girls and boys. I want to see them running around in whatever they want, dreaming about whatever it is they want to do. I want them to feel powerful, whether they want to be a firefighter or an artist. I want to see them embracing their bodies, instead of hiding them in fear and shame. I want to see them using their voices to stand up to boys whose parents didn’t teach them to respect women, and I want to see the faculty behind them when they do it. I think basic principles of respect should be preached in the places we spend most time as Americans, so I want to see more jobs and schools enforcing practices promoting these things.
Those things would make me happy. Now I just have to be able to imagine their stories playing out in a positive way. This art of manifestation calls for a visceral kind of imagination, one that feels like I am able to see the results, smell them, feel genuine joy as I do. And, the more specific I get, I can plan where I want to see these results manifest. For me, I imagine I can see them in short convos I'll get in on daytime walks, on the television, on Facebook, Instagram, in your replies! The more we have these conversations, the more we learn, the more we can act, the more we can manifest!
Here's our first inspiration! The Wander Women! They are a team of women from across the country teaming up for a great project about the lives of women, in general, around the globe.
Women were always the future. How we represent said future reflects a lot on the character of the creations to come. We need better representation for our girls hitting puberty!
I think it’s time for something jussst like this. Simple. Feminine. Empowering. Transparent. Yesss, can’t wait to see what you create!
Check them out on their Instagram @wanderwomenshow or follow them on their Facebook Page, Wander Women. Their trailer for their travel series is listed in this post. Thanks for reading guys and gals. Let's keep each other accountable for the actions we can take. We can't always be "doing" something, but we can make sure to be present and hold space for the people that are!
Love ya'll,