Quarantine Check In

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to send some love your way. Cheers to all you artists out there feeling all the things hard, and working through it. Whether you’re producing or not, you are certainly downloading. Have patience and take care of yourself.

We are all artists, creating our way out of the positions we don’t like, and into the ones we aspire to have. I just want to remind you how much power there is in that, and that, though treading new waters is difficult, it can be exciting to dream up your new world. Expect to have to change tools sometimes. The game of life is never over; it’s full of ups and downs, and though the balance seems out of whack right now, remember to keep your perspective in your favor. You are building this life from how you respond to what you have. You may not have control, but you are a creator. You can find, borrow, create a new tool. I know you can. Don’t let fear stop you from trying.

A good friend once told me,

“ Fear is like a back seat driver that’s a kid. Listen to what it has to say. But, don’t ever let it have the keys.”

I wanted to share some pictures of my pop up studios and altars I’ve been working out of since we’ve been in lock down. I was in the process of getting my mobile art cart on the road when the pandemic reached New Orleans, and my plans changed a lot. I can’t afford to live in the city for the near future, and my cart is on hold as well. I have worked for that moment for a long time, so it’s frustrating, but, I’m used to change. My inner voice just told me to create and the rest would come. Though it’s been hard, that’s what I do, and I’m happy for it. I’m proud of the little world I continue to build.

xo Kylie