Hi guys, I’m just stopping in to say hello to new faces and remind you guys how deeply grateful I am to still be serving in this little creative community. I am feeling sentimental today, so thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for sticking around if you’ve been a part of this little family. If you are new, my name is Kylie and I’m a leather worker with a playful passion for personal, collective and ancestral healing.
I have been bound to this creative healer’s lifestyle since I could remember, always feeling connected to some vital energy I couldn’t explain- going in and out of isolation to reconnect with it. Fanum Fauna was born in the pursuit of healing during one of those isolations- the big isolation that the pandemic brought all of us and the one I took in 2019 to grieve a loved one and heal from a car accident.
My Fanum Fauna page started so that I could share my journey and connect with others about healing while I practiced leather work. I wanted to make work that was grounding and stimulating in the way that my altar and art therapy was for me. I wanted to capture the power of prayer and intention in wearable art. The Portable Altar was the result. It was a reminder that there was some special power inside of all us when our modern world couldn’t deliver.
I am closer to that special power, the creator energy, the magic of a clear will and intention because of my community, who has been an invaluable source of love and support. So I am really beyond grateful to be a part of this weird virtual place that has connected me to so many beautiful beings on their own journeys not too different than my own.
I hope you see your light today, and I hope you find a way to capture it for future reflection. Anything can be a talisman. When you are feeling aligned be sure to bottle some of that good stuff up. Write it down, and carry it with you when you need inspiration or protection. You are perfect just as you are, and the more you recognize that the more energy you will have to experience life. You deserve that.
Thank you for listening, and please stay tuned because I have so many goodies to share with you this month. All the love beautiful beings.